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Black Lives, They Matter Here

July 10, 2020

Below are three posts from Central Toronto Youth Services Youth Consultants about Black Lives Matter and the weight of current times.

Gone and lost, forget

The lives of lost souls, ponder

The chaos where it lies

– B


I woke up today

Turned on the TV

To see another innocent life taken

In the name of hatred

My heart is breaking

Are you left?

Are you right?

Pointing fingers, taking sides

Can’t we all realize…

Stop the hate crimes!

– A

Its not really my place to say on what I think on Black Lives Matter and black voices should be at the forefront of opinion, other than I’ll do what I can to support the movement and be there as an ally to support a much needed revolution. Racism and specifically anti-blackness has gone on for long enough and needs to be radically changed.

– M